Term 3 - Week 9 - 16 September 2022
From the Principal
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Assistant Principal - Mission & Wellbeing
Public Holiday - 22nd September
Student Leadership
McAuley Fest
McAuley Day
Pastoral Care News
From the Classroom
COVID-19 update (Week 9)
Safe on Social Media News
Parent Support & Education
Prayer Time - From The Soul
Parish News
Dear Parents & Carers,
Last Friday we woke to the news that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away at Balmoral Castle, Scotland (8th September, UK time). I wish to acknowledge the amazing life of Queen Elizabeth II, particularly her dedication and service, in her role as Queen. Her faith was an integral part of who she was and the life she led. Her humbleness, service and faith are character strengths that all can model. Our Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese has declared Thursday 22nd September a public holiday as the official National Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth II. Therefore, the school will be closed on Thursday 22nd September. The College will be open on Friday 23rd September.
Year 12 2022
It is with sadness we say farewell to our Year 12 students of 2022. Since their Trial HSC exams students have received feedback from their teachers, highlighting areas to work on and skills to improve. This week the year 12’s and staff have competed for the prestigious Salad Bowl, an annual competition that has become a popular event in the calendar. The winners will be announced next week at the Year 12 presentation. Week 10 is the final week of school for our Year 12 students and due to the public holiday on Thursday we have moved the Graduation and Awards Ceremony to Wednesday 21st September 2022 at 9.30am in the College Hall.
We wish all our year 12 students the best as they prepare to leave the formality and routine of school life. As a College, in partnership with your parents, we sincerely believe you have developed into amazing young adults ready to take on the world in many different ways. The experiences you have had in school will hold you in good stead. You should be proud of your achievements, as we are, especially the resilience and courage you have shown through COVID times. Spend time in the coming break preparing thoroughly for your HSC exams.
Student Leadership
I wish to thank our 2022 Year 12 Student Leaders for their contribution to the College over the last 12 months in somewhat difficult times (COVID, floods) and I welcome our new Student Leaders for 2022-23. I have listed these in this newsletter. Our new Yr 12 Student Leaders will be inducted at the Graduation and a handover of Leadership from the outgoing captains to the incoming captains will be part of the Liturgy.
McAuley Day & McAuley Fest
Congratulations to the staff & students who made these two events so successful. A huge thank you to the community who supported our McAuley Fest - which was a showcase of talent across so many areas of creative arts, technology, and hospitality, and had a wonderful ambience of acceptance and support.
HSC Music Concert & Practical Exam
Last Sunday evening the Year 12 Music students had their final rehearsal before their practical HSC examination on Tuesday. The students played a range of instruments, performed classical and modern pieces, and performed solo, duets and within groups. Congratulations to Arliah, Arwen, Zeke, Molly, Anna, and Oscar, and to Ms Nicholls for her preparation and dedication.
End of Term 3 and dates for Term 4 & SDD
Year 12 Graduation and Awards Ceremony - Wednesday 21st September
Public Holiday - Day of Mourning for Queen Elizabeth 11 - Thursday 22nd September
Last day of Term 3 - Friday 23rd September
First day of Term 4 (staff & students) - Monday 10th October
Staff Development Day - Friday 14th October
As this is the last newsletter for the term I extend to everyone a safe and relaxing holiday and thank the parent community for their support this term. I also wish our 16 students and 4 staff attending Ignite in Brisbane all the best.
Kate Thomson
“We should be shining lamps, giving light to all around us.”
Catherine McAuley
When I write the last newsletter for term three I always feel quite emotional as soon we will bid farewell to our Year 12 students and our school always feels a little empty once they have left. Our Year 12’s will complete their last formal lessons on Monday week 10 and have spent the last few weeks enjoying their final days at McAuley Catholic College. This has looked different for each student, with HSC music performances, HSC Language exams, excursions, McAuley Fest, McAuley Day, Teacher/Student sports and community work being some of the many activities that were available to them. All these events have needed to be organised and, once again, our staff need to be acknowledged to ensure our students are afforded these opportunities. I know that the students appreciate all you do.
I would like to congratulate the cohort for ‘finishing well’, for turning up and getting everything they can from their school experience; for being involved and having a go. It was an honour and a pleasure to have taught students in this cohort and I wish them every success for their future.
A Focus on Learning
The Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey results will support the school review results and also give feedback on the teacher, student and parent experiences to guide our next steps in school improvement.
The ‘intellectual engagement’ section of the TTFM student survey asked about student perception of interest, motivation, effort and goal setting. It will come as no surprise that this component of the report identified that students who are interested and motivated are more engaged in their learning and are achieving better results.
At McAuley, we would like each student to be engaged and find success. Parents can help by supporting learning at home; talking to their children about the value of education, talking to their children about what they are learning; supporting the school with following up on homework and ensuring students are prepared for and have the correct equipment for classes.
At the end of week 10, the OPAL report will be sent to parents of Years 7 to 10 students. This is a great way to continue the conversation about the nature and quality of student participation and application across all curriculum areas.
Year 12
We encourage all students to take a balanced approach to their studies during the weeks leading up to the HSC exams. Eat well, get enough sleep, maintain a morning routine, get outside and exercise, and make your study area a comfortable space. Complete practice papers and submit them to your teachers for marking. It is never too late to make a difference!
During the upcoming spring school holidays, there will be a number of optional workshops implemented for year 12 students and the times and days for these have been posted on the year 12 Google Classroom.
We look forward to seeing you in full school uniform for your first English exam on the 12th of October. Please be at school at least ½ hour prior to any scheduled HSC exams. For more information regarding the HSC exams including the HSC timetable please familiarise yourself with the NESA site. The school will be communicating further with students and parents leading into the exam period. As always if you have any specific questions or concerns please contact the school.
Once the exams are over - HSC ranks are available after the final HSC exam has finished and the HSC results are released from the 15th of December 2022. Please go to students online for more information.
Year 11
The preliminary exams finished in week 9 and staff will be returning papers as soon as possible. At this time, it is common for some year 11 students to reconsider their subject selections and determine what subjects they are intending to carry into the HSC year. There will be documentation sent out early term regarding confirmation of subjects for the Higher School Certificate credential.
Di McGowan
Assistant Principal - Learning & Teaching
Uniform - Hair
Recently there have been concerns regarding student responsibilities in adhering to our uniform policy, in the area of acceptable hairstyles. When a student enrols within our College the following responsibilities applicable to uniform apply. The student is:
- To aim at the highest personal standards in all aspects of College life.
- To co-operate with the staff and to accept the authority and rules of conduct of the College.
The following comes straight from our uniform policy:
McAuley Catholic College students are expected to show pride in the College by wearing the school uniform correctly. Wearing of a school uniform is important for several academic, social and safety reasons. Most importantly, wearing a school uniform promotes a sense of identity and respect for the school. Wearing a uniform encourages school spirit and a sense of belonging and pride. It removes competitiveness and class distinction in dress and lessens ‘financial’ barriers between students. In this regard, it can help to reduce incidences of bullying and peer pressure. Additionally, wearing a uniform creates a sense of orderliness throughout the school. It also models behaviour by helping students to prepare for when they leave school and may have to dress smartly or wear a uniform. For parents and caregivers, it cuts down on cost as well as provides protection against the harmful rays of the sun. Furthermore, a school uniform can improve learning by reducing distraction, sharpening focus on schoolwork and making the classroom a more serious environment, allowing students to perform better academically.
The full College uniform as described in the Student Diary is to be worn to and from school and at all times during the school day. All students are expected to:
- Wear correct school uniform each day with pride.
Hair is a part of the uniform policy and should show pride in the College. A hairstyle must meet health and safety requirements as well creating a sense of orderliness and a high standard of personal presentation. Currently, there are many popular styles and trends which do not meet our College policy.
For both boys and girls, hair is to be well groomed and tidy. Long hair over the collar must be tied back. Ribbons and other hair ties are to be in school colours. Extremes of hairstyle, including extremes of colours, are not permitted. Boys must be clean-shaven.
Mullets, mullets with shaved sides, undercuts, steps, cuts less than a number two, streaks, noticeable dyes and gel or styling products are examples of haircuts that do not meet the requirements of the College policy.
However, we do realise that we need to take into account the diversity of our students and within our policy we have a clause for individual circumstances. For example, this may apply to religious or cultural beliefs, traditions and customs.
Any student wishing to seek a modification to our College Uniform Policy will need to apply in writing to the Principal. The Principal will then interview the student and a decision will be made regarding modification.
We ask parents to support the College policy and cooperate with the school to ensure that hairstyles are neat and tidy and meet the College requirements.
Mr Montford, Mrs Doyle, Georgia and Chelsea will be accompanying a group of 16 students attending Ignite for the first time since 2019. Ignite Conference has proven to be a pivotal experience in the faith lives of many of our students since 2009 and this would not be possible without our committed staff who attend. This year across the Diocese there are close to 260 attending in the group.
Unfortunately, the announcement of the public holiday on Thursday 22 September has resulted in some reorganisation of this trip.
Departure date: Friday 23rd September 2022 5.00am at the school
Return date: Sunday 25th September 2022
A separate note outlining the requirements of the trip will be sent out to students. We wish all students and staff a great time away.
Catch the Wave
Our Year 8 students last week attended the Catch the Wave program here at the College. Youth Ministry Officers and the Diocesan Band Wildfire were in attendance and together provided a great day of music ministry and evangelisation. Thank you to Mrs Robinson, Mr Montford and Georgia who worked with our students on this day.
Mercy Works
Thank you to the generosity of our College community as we have raised approximately $4000 towards Mercy Works this year. McAuley Day was a huge success and due to the stalls created by our homerooms students and staff were able to show support and purchase items or have a go at challenges set up throughout the College. A lot of fun was had on the day. Thank you to everyone involved in this day and to the students and families who supported so generously.
Kathy Warby
Assistant Principal - Mission and Wellbeing
As such McAuley Catholic College will not be operational on Thursday 22 September. School will resume for students on the last day of Term on Friday 23 September.
We would like to thank our current Year 12 Leadership Team for 2022 as they hand over their titles to our newly appointed 2023 Leadership Team.
Current 2022 Student Leadership Team
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Student Leader
College Captains - Nash Crofton and Kaydence Kilduff
College Vice-Captains - Sean Sowell and Jorja White
Faith and Action Leaders - Holly Morrison and Paige Thompson
House Captains:
- Champagnat House Captain - Sahara Powell and Samuel Platt
- McCarthy House Captain - Levi Vereyken and Stella Van Leest
- Mercy House Captain - Alexander Salvestro and Mischa McGrath
- Tracey House Captain - Yazmin Shepherd and Kyan Ellis
This was our second McAuley Fest and was organised by the Student Leadership Team. I congratulate the organising committee for their great work and also give special thanks to Ms Nicholls for her preparation of the numerous students performing on the night, Mr Conaghan and Nash Crofton for the coordination of sound and lighting; additional thanks to Mr Ellis, Mr Butcher, Mr Imeson, Ms Organ, Ms Palmer and to all the staff involved in so many ways to make this night such a success.
Thank you to all our families and friends who attended the festival and supported the students and the College community.
We are looking forward to the 2023 McAuley Fest!
Kate Thomson
1st prize in section 1 (years 7-8) Was Ryker Montague - art supplies pack
First prize in section 2 (year 9-10) was Amelie Collard - art supplies pack
First prize in section 3 (years 11-12) Kaylee Adamson - Art supplies pack
Principal’s Choice award Maya Mead-Davies - $50 Book Warehouse voucher
People’s choice award winner Chelsea Gosper (year 8) - $50 Book Warehouse voucher
There were also 2 Encouragement awards that went to: Janet Irwin and Aaliyah- Scarlett Roach
The winner of first prize in the art raffle for a pastel work by Julianne Gosper was Ava Pollock.
The second prize for a chocolate basket went to Natasha Green
McAuley Day was held for the first time in 3 years and it was a great success. McAuley Day is an important event in our school calendar as it is celebrated as our Feast Day - acknowledging Catherine McAuley and our Mercy traditions and history. The main focus of the day is to raise money for Mercy Works and it is exciting to announce that over $4000 was raised by students and staff, which is the best result we have ever had.
The celebrations on the day included a liturgy and a reflection on Catherine McAuley, special House cakes, fundraising activities organised by each homeroom, a talent quest, and games. The day concluded with the traditional year 12 slide. In addition, Year 12 students dressed up as their childhood heroes and the staff dress-up theme was Flower Power!
Some of the homeroom activities included face-painting, Taco in a bag, water-balloon volleyball, putt-putt golf, passing the football, numerous food stalls and games, to name but a few.
Well done and thank you to Mrs Warby & Mr Montford and the House leaders of the College for the work done to make this day such a success.
To all Parents, Staff and Students,
I hope this finds you well and looking forward to the holidays after what has felt like a long term. I only have one issue I’d like to raise with you all in this newsletter, that issue being “safe play” at our College.
Weather-wise, this year has been like no other with our oval being closed for the majority of the year. Students have been forced to play/sit under the covered areas and restricted to our courtyard and multi-court for outside play. I think it’s fair to say there has been some tension in the playground as a result, with students being unable to access the larger space of the oval to burn off some energy during the day.
This has led to an increasing number of incidents involving excessive “hands-on” behaviour in our playground and on bus lines in the afternoon. Students have had many warnings this term that “hands-on” play is not allowed at our College. I am taking this opportunity to remind parents, staff and students that those students who ignore our warnings will be removed from the playground. Safety is a huge priority at our College and I am hopeful for the support of parents and staff with this.
Thankfully, we have managed to open a section of the oval in the last week for play. Let’s hope that extra space gives students the opportunity to let off some steam appropriately.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Take care,
Rob Imeson
Leader of Pastoral Care
Year 10 Agriculture - Sugarcane Mill Visit
On Tuesday, the year 10 Agriculture class travelled down to the Harwood Sugar Mill. Once kitted out in safety gear, we toured the mill from the weighbridge where the trucks carrying cut cane come in, through the crushers, to the boilers and evaporators, ending in the sugar shed. Unfortunately, the refinery was closed for maintenance.
It was a great morning. After lunch by the banks of the Clarence River, we toured a cane farm, observing the growing side of sugar production. A huge thanks to the staff at Harwood Sugar Mill and Shane Causely for hosting us.
Year 7 Food Technology
Year 7 Religious Education
Students in Year 7 Religion have been learning to value the sacredness of creation so that we can appreciate God’s creative presence and activity in the world. This week students were asked to consider an environmental issue and research possible solutions. This information was then used to create an infographic. Here is a great sample from 7RE2.
Courses & Workshops for Students
- Brighten Institute Australia Young people across NSW are set to benefit from fee-free hospitality training during the upcoming school holidays to help them get the skills they need for the jobs they want. For more information and to discuss enrolling in the Food Safety Supervisor Certificate, contact Kirstie.boerst@
brighten.edu.au or call 0415 823 827. - JSchool Journalism College Selected introductory units from JSchool Journalism College’s Diploma of Journalism are available online to senior secondary students. For further information see https://jschool.com.au/
single-subjects/ or phone/text 0493099463. - Western Sydney University This school holidays, Western's School of Business is offering a range of free workshops for aspiring Year 9 and 10 business influencers to connect with business leaders, researchers and practitioners. To find out more on the workshops, times available and to register, visit:https://www.
westernsydney.edu.au/content/ dam/digital/images/schools- engagement/Bizfluencers% 20Student%20Flyer.pdf - Engineers Australia Opportunities are still available to participate in Experience it! for female students in Years 7-10. Date: 17 Oct 2022. Full day of immersive workshops facilitated by our leading Engineering Universities - zoomed into your classroom. All technical equipment provided FOC. Engineers in your classroom to assist where possible. EOI https://forms.gle/
Scholarships, Early Entry, Alternative Pathways
- UOW College Pathways to the University of Wollongong. If university is the end goal for the person you are supporting, taking a different pathway to get there doesn't mean they will lose time and be left behind. UOW College offers Diplomas that provide entry into the 2nd year of many UOW degrees. Explore pathway options at https://www.uowcollege.edu.
au/study/pathways/ or email us at uowca-future@uow.edu.au - JMC Academy Why wait for your ATAR to be released to know how you'll be spending the next few years of your study time? Apply through JMC's Early Entry program to secure your conditional offer in our February 2023 intake before you even sit your final exams! For more details go to: https://www.jmcacademy.
edu.au/how-to-apply/domestic- students/early-entry/ - Sydney Quantum Academy Want to study cutting-edge quantum technology? Applications are now open for Sydney Quantum Academy PhD Scholarships. Undertake research at Sydney’s top universities alongside world-leading quantum experts. Join a supportive, fun PhD student community and benefit from a competitive stipend and career development funding. Apply by 26 September 2022. https://bit.ly/SQAPhDR7-
partners - Western Sydney University HSC True Reward provides Year 12 students completing their HSC an early offer into Western based on their Year 11 or 12 results, instead of a scaled ATAR. Applications for 2023 entry are now open, with the next offer round based on Year 11 results released on 17 November. Visit: https://www.
westernsydney.edu.au/future/ study/application-pathways/ hsc-true-reward.html?cid=em: EGMT-CAA-news-HSCTR_sep22 - TAFE NSW: It’s a great time to start SBAT conversations with your child - School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) are more than just part-time jobs. They are a great way for students to set themselves up for the career they want, while still completing their HSC. Now is the right time for students to explore their SBAT options. Find out more: https://www.tafensw.edu.
au/study/types-courses/ apprenticeships-traineeships
Universities Admissions Centre
Rod Paton
Careers Adviser
Diocesan Athletics
A group of 40 students travelled to Coffs Harbour Stadium to compete in the 2022 Dio Athletics event.
It was a VERY windy day but our McAuley team still went out and performed extremely well.
- As a school, we finished 5th out of 12 schools in the Diocese.
- As for the race for Age champion McAuley had:
- Charlie Imeson (4th)
- Taya Murphy and Sahara Powell finishing (3rd)
- Will Tait was the 15yrs age champion
- There were excellent performances in both the Track and field events
- All up we had 9 students qualify for the State championships in Sydney
On Monday, 7 of our students made the trip to Sydney for the State championships
Again our students were fantastic in their approach to the event and there were many PBs set as well as an amazing amount of top 10 finishes:
- Taya Murphy finished 6th in the 400m
- Ruby Egan finished 9th in the 1500m
- Charlie Imeson finished 6th in both the 800 and 1500m events
- Tim Vander Vlist finished 7th in the High jump
- Hazel Golding finished 5th in the Long Jump
- Jade Simon received a bronze medal in the High jump
- Will Tait 5th in Long jump, 7th in the 400m and Silver medal in the 100m hurdles
Change to Free Webinar
Thank you so much if you have already signed up to attend Safe on Social's FREE Webinar: Cyberbullying, Trolling & Online Hate.
This Webinar was scheduled for tonight (Monday, 19 September) however due to unforeseen circumstances, I am needing to change the date to this Wednesday instead.
Please see below for new details:
What: Cyberbullying, Trolling & Online Hate Webinar (30mins)
When: 7.30pm Sydney time - Wednesday, 21 September 2022
Link to Join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87620325058
Remember, I will be sending out key information on the topics discussed so if you aren't already subscribed to our newsletter, please make sure you don't miss out and sign up here.
I am really looking forward to having an open discussion with you about cyberbullying, trolling and online hate. It is a topic that has seen much attention inside and outside of the media and it's important that we learn about what actually happens when you get bullied in this space and what the average person can do about it.
I do apologise for any inconvenience this date change may cause. If the new date doesn't suit you, that's ok, I am recording the session and will email it out to you via the newsletter page so ensure you are signed up prior to the event.
I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night.
Parents - webinar10parent
- Sing and dance along to this lyric video featuring the theme song, No Limits, from SHINE Conference 2022
- Pray and sing along to this lyric video of New Eve, our Marian Hymn, commemorating the many Feast days of our Lady this last month.
Please find attached the latest Parish Bulletins from Clarence Valley Parish.